Friday 11 November 2016

Harry, James and Alex B - digital gaming pre-production

Resource 1 - gaming pre-production overview

Follow the link to a document that gives an overview of gaming pre-production

Resource 2 - gaming environments and level designs - industry professional

Resource 3 - gaming pre-production tutorial
Resource 4 - Game design documents

Check out this link which includes a range of game design document examples created by industry professionals

Resource 5 - Paper prototypes - these allow designers to visual their early concepts and test the practicality of the game

Thursday 10 November 2016

Natalie and Tom / Callum and Mia / Alex E and Drew / Zoe and Hannah - digital moving image

Resource 1 - shot list example

Resource 2 - call sheet example

Resource 3 - Pre-production checklists

Follow the link to find a pre-production checklist document
Follow the link for a secondary pre-production checklist - written by an industry professional

Resource 4 - Pre-production documents (templates)

Follow the link for a range of free pre-production blank documents / templates including music release and insurance forms

Resource 5 - storyboarding tips - industry professional

Resource 6 - storyboarding tutorial - industry professional

Resource 7 - shooting schedule template 
Resource 8 - script example

Friday 4 November 2016

Pre-production requirements

Break down of pre-production requirements for digital media products

All must be commented on



Procedures to follow for all


Source available finance.

Source personnel needed and availability.

Identify available resources needed.

Prepare budget and costs.

Contract personnel.

Book resources.

Prepare schedules.

Health and safety considerations.

Legal/ethical considerations.

Risk assess the project.


Pre-production requirements relevant to specific media sector


Digital moving image production:

·         Storyboards

·         shot lists

·         lighting test shots

·         prop/costume/make-up list

·         location scout information, recce photographs

·         shooting schedules

·         script drafting

·         permissions for filming

·         personnel details (names, contact details)

·         equipment booking

·         health and safety (risk assessment)

·         copyright clearances.


Digital publishing:

·         screenshots

·         asset sources, images, video

·         test shots

·         prop/costume list

·         shot list

·         styles

·         templates and formats, e.g. colours, font size, font types, hierarchy of type, text and image alignment, text wrap, page layouts, compositional grids

·         page mock-ups, e.g. thumbnail sketches, annotated sketches, digital drafts

·         personnel details (names, contact details)

·         equipment booking

·         health and safety (risk assessment)

·         copyright clearances.


Digital audio production:

·         dialogue/sound script

·         equipment list

·         sound logs

·         timing plans

·         recording schedule

·         sound checks: interior, exterior

·         setting of recording levels

·         personnel details (names, contact details)

·         equipment booking

·         health and safety (risk assessment)

·         copyright clearances.


Web production:

·         screen shots

·         templates and formats

·         colours

·         font size tests

·         font type tests

·         text and image alignment

·         mock-ups of page layouts, annotation sketches, digital drafts, navigation

·         sitemap

·         sourced assets, videos, images

·         personnel details (names, contact details)

·         equipment booking

·         health and safety (risk assessment)

·         copyright clearances.


Digital games production:

·         game outline

·         character/avatar outline

·         plans, e.g. gameplay, online multiplayer features

·         sketches, annotated drawings, e.g. characters, environments

·         written or visual storylines

·         assets

·         scripts

·         storyboards (illustrating game progression or specific animation sequences)

·         personnel details (names, contact details)

·         equipment booking

·         health and safety (risk assessment)

·         copyright clearances.

Friday 9 September 2016

You may want to re-watch the video from Thursday's lesson regarding the pre-production processes required for a short film.

Pre-production areas to consider

Learning aim A: Understand the requirements of pre-production of a digital media product

A1 Requirements for a specific media production

• Types of production: film, television, audio, digital publishing, digital games.

• Finance.

• Sources of finance: private, public, joint financing.

• Requirements of finance: for equipment, crew, transport, materials, clearances, talent, facility hire.

• Logistics.

• Time: deadlines, availability of equipment, availability of personnel, timescales.

• Facilities: production equipment, post-production equipment, facility houses, prop houses, sourcing and costs of facilities.

• Locations: identification; recces; limitations and risks, e.g. distance, access, cost, weather.

• Personnel: technical crew, actors, extras, contributors, e.g. experts, specialists.

• Materials: type, e.g. original materials, archive and library materials, photo-library materials, sound library materials, internet, assets, audio, script, animatics, graphics, interviews, costumes, properties, recorded music, sources; costs; clearances.

• Adherence to codes of practice and regulation.

• Clearances, e.g. Mechanical-Copyright Protection Society (MCPS).

• Legal, e.g. copyright, health and safety.

• Regulations, e.g. Ofcom, Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO),

Advertising Standards Authority (ASA).

• Trade unions and professional bodies, e.g. Producers Alliance for Cinema and Television (Pact), National Union of Journalists (NUJ).

A2 The formats for pre-production processes

Established industry formats for presenting pre-production work:

• templates for scripts (written/dialogue/sound)

• written or visual storyboards

• written or visual storylines

• page mock-ups.

A3 The functions of pre-production processes

• Revising and discounting ideas.

• Visualising content.

• Establishing feasibility (expertise, costs, timescale, logistics).

A4 The purposes of pre-production documentation

• Adherence to codes of practice and regulation.

• Administrative requirements, e.g. record keeping, sharing of information among relevant parties.

• Auditing compliance.

Pre-production presentations

What shout it include?
  • A title slide  - ‘Pre-production processes for digital media products’
  • Slides showing various digital media products i.e. audio – music / radio, websites, moving images – films / TV shows, digital gaming, digital publishing – magazines, e-books, newspapers etc. GIVE SPECIFIC EXAMPLES
  • Details of any pre-production processes carried out in order to produce the digital media products you have chosen to focus on. Make sure that you fully explain what the process entails and why it is important to the success of the product.